First 90 Days Accelerator: Your Roadmap to Success

Program Overview:

The “First 90 Days Accelerator” is a dynamic coaching program designed to empower individuals stepping into new roles, whether it’s a new job, a leadership position, or any significant transition. This program is focused on ensuring a smooth onboarding process and equipping participants with the strategies and tools they need to make a significant impact during their first 90 days.

Program Outline:

Setting the Stage

  • Clarify objectives and expectations for the first 90 days.
  • Self-assessment: Identify strengths, areas for development, and potential challenges.
  • Establish key relationships with peers and stakeholders.

Quick Wins and Immediate Impact

  • Develop a quick-win strategy to demonstrate value early on.
  • Build a network of allies and mentors within the organization.
  • Create a 30-60-90 day action plan for success.

Building Effective Communication

  • Improve communication and establish a strong personal brand.
  • Craft compelling messages for different stakeholders.
  • Navigate organizational culture and politics.

Skill Enhancement and Adaptation

  • Identify and address skill gaps and learning needs.
  • Adapt to new responsibilities and challenges.
  • Seek feedback and make continuous improvements.

Problem Solving and Decision-Making

  • Enhance problem-solving and decision-making abilities.
  • Manage conflicts and difficult situations effectively.
  • Implement strategic initiatives and projects.

Sustainability and Long-Term Success

  • Evaluate the progress of the first 90 days.
  • Create a transition plan for the post-90-day period.
  • Reflect on accomplishments and set the stage for continued success.

Program Delivery:

  • Weekly or bi-weekly one-on-one coaching sessions (in-person or via video conferencing).
  • Personalized assignments, goal setting, and progress tracking.
  • Access to resources, articles, and recommended readings.
  • Email support for questions and guidance between sessions.
  • Role-specific tools and templates.
  • Ongoing support for post-90-day transition.

Program Benefits:

  • A strong start in the new role.
  • Enhanced adaptability and communication skills.
  • Quick wins and early achievements.
  • Improved decision-making and problem-solving.
  • A clear path to sustainable success.

Who Can Benefit:

  • New employees or managers.
  • Professionals transitioning into new roles or departments.
  • Leaders taking on additional responsibilities.
  • Anyone looking to make a significant impact in the early stages of a new position.

The “First 90 Days Accelerator” is your personal roadmap to success in a new role. It’s a program that helps you navigate the critical early days with confidence and make a lasting impact.